by Steve Swanson
Theme: Intimacy and Hunger
Studio recorded worship featuring intimate songs of the Father's heart, a great way to soak your way to the throne room.
Rivers in the Desert
Reaching Out to You
Deep Keeps Calling
Hungry For You
Ready and Willing
Beyond the Veil
This is My Beloved
Come Dance With Me
Search My Heart
Sample playlist contains 3 songs and will play all automatically.
Steve Swanson has traveled throughout the world leading people in worship. He has led worship in conferences with many powerful ministries of the Kingdom such as: Randy Clark, Heidi Baker, Patricia King, Paul Keith Davis, Bill Johnson, JoAnn McFatter, Julie Meyer, Joshua Mills and many more. Steve carries a powerful anointing and impartation in worship, intercession, and prophecy that create an atmosphere of breakthrough in worship that opens the heavens. His unique gifting and passion allow worshipers to experience freedom, joy, and intimacy with the Lord. Steve has released 20 worship CD's and continues to record and produce his own as well as other artist's works. Steve, his wife Lisa and their two sons, reside in Casa Grande Arizona.