The Bridal Dance
8 X 10 Print
by Janice VanCronkhite
The Bride is dressed in white, beautiful and waiting for the arms of her Groom. The eyes of the entire universe are on them as they dance their first dance at the marriage of the Lamb. They are, at last, truly one in Spirit.
"Let us rejoice and shout for joy! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb at last has come, and His wife has made herself ready. Rev. 9:7
About the Artist
Janice VanCronkhite

Now she she is taking creative impartation to a more in-depth and intimate level in her retreats at two "magical" locations: Fire Creek Mountain in Burnsville, North Carolina and Diamonds on the Lake, her studio gallery on beautiful Lake Oconee in White Plains, Georgia. There she helps others reach their own imaginative pinnacle by tearing down the walls that have kept them from exploring their own artistic journey of heavenly creativity.
Janice is recognized
for her bold energy on stage creating (painting), speaking and challenging the
Church to be released into the fullness and anointing of God's intended creativity.
In the end, her desire is to see His love and supernatural power exhibited
through every kind of earthly artistic medium.